Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi urged school students to adopt the policy of ‘nation first’ to figure out the solution to all the ongoing problems rather than being a part of the crisis on Friday as per the latest education articles. Further mentioning that the National Education Policy (NEP) is a major step towards the Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-dependent India) while he was greeting the yearly convocation of Visva-Bharati University by video calling.
He also said “many people who are spreading terror and violence across the world are highly educated and highly skilled. On the other hand, some people are risking their lives in hospitals and labs to save people from a pandemic like COVID-19. It is not about ideology but a mindset. What you do depends on whether your mindset is positive or negative. There is scope for both of them. The path is open for both of them. It is in our hands to decide if we want to be a part of the problem or the solution”. As per the latest education news, he kept on going to saying, “ “If we continue to look at our interest then we will always witness problems, crises, and anger around us. But if you rise above your interest and adopt a nation-first approach then you will find a solution to every problem and crisis. You will find the urge to find positive force in negativity. You will become a solution to these problems if your intention is pure and dedication is unquestionable.”
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