As per the latest politics article, Twitter has been considerate with the order of the Indian Government where it says to take down 1,178 accounts that are suspected to be spreading provocative messages related to the farmer’s protest against the Government. Twitter revealed a few days back that it is been getting messages from the Indian Government to block these accounts of Pakistani and Khalistani people for creating misunderstanding and spreading false information about the Government.
It also said, “Over the course of the last 10 days, Twitter has been served with several separate blocking orders by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act. Out of these, two were emergency blocking orders that we temporarily complied with but subsequently restored access to the content in a manner that we believe was consistent with Indian law. After we communicated this to MeitY, we were served with a non-compliance notice."
But keeping the fundamental rights of Indian citizens of the right to speech and expression, it has not blocked any accounts of journalists, media, activists, and politicians according to the latest political news of the media.
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