Eye wrinkles are the fine lines around the eye area and there is not just one reason for it but a tonne of reasons. So let’s see the reason why we get these wrinkles?
As we start to age our skin starts to lose elasticity and hence due to contraction and expansion cause the skin to create these fine lines.
Sometimes it is not just you but your genetics that you geet these wrinkles before your age and one way to improve your looks and wrinkles is by putting in a lot of moisturizer around your eyes.
Another reason for wrinkles is that the area around our eyes has no oil glands which means it cannot release oil on its own. This area needs an extra moisturizer to give you smooth skin.
Now that we have discussed the reasons why we get them we shall discuss how to improve your looks and prevent them?
The two skincare routine day time and night time must have a different eye cream which is different from the other face products that we use. The skin around your eyes is way thinner than the whole face and hence it needs extra care.
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