A petition was filed against WhatsApp for not respecting the privacy of the users in the Delhi High Court for its privacy policy that was introduced lately. In its defense, Whatsapp mentioned the names of many other internet-based applications and sites that use the same level of privacy or even more. This has created chaos in the latest technology articles since it revealed the names of a few big companies including- Zomato and Ola. not only this, Whatsapp made allegations on the Government app- Aarogya Setu which is a contact tracing app against COVID 19. It did not stop here, it aimed at bigger names based on the US technology- Google, Microsoft, and Zoom.
May 15 was chosen to be the day it was going to introduce the new privacy policy but now with the petition, it seems it will have to consider making certain changes. The instant texting app mentioned that it would not delete the accounts of people not accepting the privacy policy but it did not bring any sigh of relief. Furthermore, none of the functionalities would disappear if users would not accept the new privacy and policy.
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