When the first wave ended we never thought that 2nd wave was just a few months away. But reality happened and we all had lost one of our close ones’ lives. Nevertheless, since the cases have started to drop again and there are rumors of the third wave to occur soon in the mid-year have started we must take precautions. This is all a result of the negligence that we have shown in the post-pandemic period last year. The COVID19 situation in Delhi was way more than we could ever imagine but now it seems to be decreasing again.
So when you start going out again try to not hug people or shake hands with them. Even if you have completed your vaccination doses you must wear a mask and sanitize now and then. If you do not want to continue it then think of the people who have lost their lives because of this pandemic. It is no joke to such people. The survivors of the pandemic should not forget to get their diet on time and work on their immunity. Eat rich food to boost your immunity so that you can fight this virus easily.
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