If you think you know what is the meaning of spirituality, you might be wrong. Knowing spirituality is not that easy. The meaning of spirituality differs from person to person. It is a belief that something great is superior to you. There is an energy that regulates the universe. It is also not only associated with a god or any religion. So when you tend to believe in something there are certain gestures you make like praying or meditating, it also includes yoga- These are all highly beneficial for mental health. Taking the words of the latest spirituality news relieves stress. It is not that we are leading a happy life we are already under so much stress of meeting the expectations of people, it leads to draining our mental health. This is when you can practice spirituality, sit under a tree, look at the birds and the sky and you are all set to conquer your life. There have been many types of research that have proved that people who are involved in charity or some kind of giving activities tend to live longer than others. Stress and high blood pressure are equally proportional to each other, so when you are not stressed your blood pressure stays intact.
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