Whenever you go to a market or say place an order for a product or a service like a refrigerator, microwave, or any appliances that are important for daily use, then you will surely find an attached manual with them. The attached manual is not just a normal paper. It is a guide that helps you follow the steps given in it to operate that product which you have ordered.
Similarly, an initial coin offering also comes attached with its whitepaper. But let me tell you do not mistake it with any usual manual. A whitepaper is very important for an ICO project. It determines whether the project will turn out to be a failure or will become a success. It is more than just an introduction as it includes further key elements.
Avoiding Mistakes In Formation of ICO Whitepaper
Now there are mistakes to avoid while writing ICO whitepaper. First of all your format must not be too long that would wipe off the interest of a reader in reading it. The length of the title should also be not long. Make it concise. No need to mention the details which are not required. Avoid delving into the history of cryptocurrency and blockchain.
Just concentrate on the project introduction. That’s it. Another major blunder you need to avoid is grammatical mistakes. Please keep this in mind. If your ICO whitepaper is full of silly mistakes, it will put a bad impression on the investors. As a result, they will no longer be interested in your project.
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