The state of Karnataka, India says that it will file an action against Google for showing the state’s official language as the “ugliest language in India”. On Thursday, these google search keywords have shown the result as Kannada which is the official language of Karnataka. The technology articles are bombarded with the uses of technologies, and then here comes the dark side of it. Many south Indian leaders have shown their outrage by tweeting or by giving certain statements.
A minister of Karnataka Aravind Limbavali asked the giant tech to apologize for hurting the sentiments of Kannadigas meaning Kannada-speaking people. This is the reason why Google has apologized on Thursday by saying that they apologize for “the misunderstanding and hurting any sentiments”. PC Mohan, a member of Lok Sabha tweeted “Home to great Vijaynagar empire, the Kannada language has a rich heritage, a glorious legacy, and a unique culture. One of the world’s old languages, Kannada had great scholars who wrote epics much before Geoffrey Chaucer was born in the 14th century. Apologize google”.
Afterwards, Google said that they know it is inappropriate and that they started taking swift measures right when they were made aware of the problem.
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