The 21st-century lifestyle that we are leading is extremely hectic. This is the reason why we tend to take more stress than ever. You must come across the phrase to take a deep breath and relax. This actually helps but do you ever realize that there can be things that can help you to not even reach that point. While relaxing your mind is a slow and continuous process, body relaxation takes a few hours. In situations like these make sure to remind yourself that strength comes from an indomitable will and the strength to cope with depression or anxiety will definitely come. Soak yourself in a warm bath. Your body will thank you later. Try to do meditation the first thing in the morning. Meditation brings peace to your mind that relaxes your nerves further. If you feel that your stress is still not going then you should start penning down your thoughts. When you write down your feelings you tend to take them away from you on a piece of paper.
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