When we talk about the roads of Delhi, we know they do not last long especially since the Dwarka area is the worst hit. Most of the roads in Delhi are constructed on top of the soil, which can easily wash away with the heavy flow of water. These roads can easily collapse when there is a vehicle on top of it. If there is no vehicle, or something having weight, it can still collapse. Ultimately, is Delhi about to crumble, is the only question that arises in the mind of people. The condition of the soil is quite prone to that effect so it is obvious that in the future it can happen again. Maybe the government could do something about it but seems like the government cannot deny the effect of the soil. The hon’ble high court has started acting on it by removing the drainage and getting it reinstalled. They are going to make sure that drains are clean in this area. At least, this area could be cleaned from under the ground.
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