In order to fight pollution in Delhi, Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal, has built a 20-meter tall structure of smog tower. On August 23, 2021, he inaugurated the first-ever smog tower in India. This has been set up to clean the quality of air within the distance of 1 KM. The CM made an announcement that all the data would be managed from IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi. The latest politics news is bombarded with the humble initiative taken by the government of the capital city to improve Delhi’s air. The smog tower will purify 1,000 cubic meters of air per sec. As per the rumors, there will be a 2-year pilot study to ensure the effectiveness of the structure. As a matter of fact, a control room has already been set up in the field to monitor the changes made. This structure of the smog tower could have been completed before, but due to the pandemic and the subsequent wave of the same, it postponed the inauguration.
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