Yoga is all about finding peace of your mind and learning ways to enlightenment. The word hatha is a combination of two words- “ha” which means ‘the sun,’ and “tha” which means ‘the moon.’ It means the balance between the energies of the sun and moon. The health benefits of hatha yoga are immense. Therefore, people in the west have understood the importance of it. They have started to practice it more than Indians. The three basic poses of hatha yoga are- Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Vrikshasna (Tree Pose), and Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend). The mountain pose is when you stretch your hands in the upward direction and stretch all your body with it. Make sure your feet are joined. Your body should be stretched in a straight line. The tree pose stretches your legs, arms, and back in addition to providing equilibrium to your mind. Although a standing forward bend pose is uncomplicated, it requires flexible hamstrings, calves, hips, and above all patience.
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