Issues like rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) are creating a major problem in getting started with the coal mining projects. Another reason being the green clearance of the project. In the wake of the nation’s struggle and exhausting stocks, in the end, has created awareness. “114 coal projects with a sanctioned capacity of 836.48 mt/y (million tonnes per year) and a sanctioned capital of Rs 1,19,580.62 crore are in different stages of implementation out of which 75 projects are on schedule and 39 projects are delayed,” CIL mentioned in its report. The given capacity of nine of the projects of CIL’s is 27.60 million tonnes per year out of which Rs. 1,976.59 crores were completed during 2020-2021. Western Coalfields Ltd. (CFL), Central Coalfields Ltd. (CCL), and Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd (MCL) are subsidiaries of Coal India that are given four, three, and two of these projects respectively. The latest business news is bombarded with these delays of the year.
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