Hatha yoga is one of the easiest forms of yoga. The first thing that ever comes to your mind when you think of yoga is what is Hatha yoga. Here is what it really means.
‘Ha’- The ‘Sun’
‘Tha’- The ‘Moon’
Hatha yoga means to bring balance between the two extreme energies inside of you, which are- The Sun and Moon.
Tadasana or the mountain pose is the most important pose or asana of hatha yoga. It creates the base of practicing yoga. Another one is Vrikhahasana or the tree pose. The health benefits of hatha yoga are immense but you need to start immersing in this yoga to understand it clearly. The tree pose brings balance to your core and body. The third one is Uttanasana or the standing forward bend. It not only benefits the body but your mind as well. It is quite simple, but it only demands practice.
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