The sale of fake medicines is one of the most prevalent malpractices in healthcare presently. It can affect a population or an individual in worse ways than one can imagine. Hence, before buying medicine, it should be made sure that the medicine is not fake and is authentic. Let's find out how we can authenticate fake medicines.
Start by checking the seal of the packaging. Not only for medicines, but before you buy any product, you must check its seal to confirm that the product is fresh and has been used by anybody else, or that its constitution is not hampered.
After checking the seal, check the packaging. Many times fake medicine sellers package fake medicines very similar to real or authentic ones. However, it isn't very tough to make out the difference between the two. The texts on the packaging, which are usually the names of the drugs involved, could be misspelled or could be printed in a color different from the rest of the stock.
If you see that the packaging has the wrong spellings of drugs or has them printed in a different color, do not buy it. Also, one can choose to text the "Unique Authentication Code” of the medicine to 9901099010. Many healthcare service aggregators are used to work towards eliminating fake medicines from the market.
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