Binance introduced a series of educational programmes recently aimed at increasing knowledge of cryptocurrencies and blockchains among Indian investors, particularly students. Binance intends to give broad access to crypto learning to investors through its three primary education programmes. Following the success of the Binance Campus BUIDLers Program, which debuted last year, the platform has teamed with the i4c to host the 'Blockchain for Good' Ideathon. The cooperation should provide students from various universities around the country a forum to develop solutions that will make the blockchain ecosystem more accessible and affordable to all. The latest guide on cryptocurrencies will be beneficial.
Stay Updated With Cryptoknowmics
Cryptoknowmics is your one-stop solution to get the latest news as well as updates on cryptocurrencies. From Binance to Gdax transfer to Binance to Coinbase transfer, you can get every update from Cryptoknowmics. With an average age of 28, India does have one of the world's biggest demographics. This provides a tremendous chance for the crypto exchange platform to play a part in teaching India's future thinkers and creators. Binance also unveiled an open and free conference dubbed "Crypto for All'' where viewers will be educated on the fundamentals of Blockchain and cryptocurrency. Major financial influencers will be a part of it.
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